Think Deeply
Publishing reports and studies and engaging with governments in a dialogue about cutting-edge technologies and innovation-enabling policies.

Give Back
Partnering with leading organizations to empower and expand the technological workforce of tomorrow.

Look Forward
Preparing for the future by supporting diversity, inclusion, and economic opportunity for all.
In addition to highlighting the next generation of technologies, Software.org will work to develop the next-generation technological workforce.
This is important because nearly 500,000 computing jobs in the United States remain unfilled today while American universities only produce about 43,000 computer science graduates each year.
Software.org partners with organizations that share our commitment to supporting and expanding efforts to attract girls and other underrepresented groups to take up computer science careers.
Software.org conducts original research and in-depth writing with several aims:

Software Speeds Delivery of Aid, Helps States Respond to COVID-19
Software technologies play a vital role in the distribution & supply chain security of COVID-19

How Open RAN Technologies Will Lead to Secure, Innovative 5G Networks
Learn what is the RAN and how it fits in the 5G ecosystem.

Software: Supporting US Through COVID (2021)
How software has helped businesses shift their models & promote public health during the pandemic.

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Puts Spotlight on Blockchain Benefits
Blockchain technology can be used to support immunization efforts.

Privacy Shield: What It Is and Why You Should Care
An overview of the main issues at stake with Privacy Shield.

Software: Growing US Jobs and the GDP (2019)
New study finds software jobs growing twice as fast as US jobs overall.

Brazil 4.0: The Data-Driven Future of Brazilian Industries
Brazil, the largest economy in Latin America, has begun to take steps toward Industry 4.0.

The Growing €1 Trillion Economic Impact of Software (2018)
Learn how the software industry supports 12.7 million EU jobs.

Every Sector Is a Software Sector
Software is an integral part of every industry, not just the software or tech industries.

Artificial Intelligence: Maximizing the Benefits
Discover what AI is, how it works, and the fundamental benefits it helps cultivate.

Encryption’s Vital Role in Industrial Control Systems
Government and industry must work together to promote the development and use of strong encryption.

The Growing $1 Trillion Economic Impact of Software (2017)
The first-ever report to track the growth of software’s impact on the US economy.

Sensor Sensibility: Getting the Most From the Internet of Things
We’ve only seen a fraction of what the Internet revolution has yet to deliver.

Infrastructure 4.0: Rebuilding America With Software
For decades, our nation’s infrastructure has been the operating system that helped run our economy.

Software: A €910 Billion Catalyst for the EU Economy (2016)
Originally published by BSA, study examines how industry contributes major jobs growth in the EU.

The Economic Impact of Software (2016)
Originally published by BSA, first-of-its-kind study reveals the impact software has on the US economy.
Contact Us
Have questions or need the latest Software.org updates and information?
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