
Transforming the Wisconsin Economy: Fueling Job Growth with Software Skills

On May 31, sponsored an event in Milwaukee to celebrate the growing and dynamic software industry in Wisconsin. Senator Ron Johnson kicked off the event by emphasizing the value of a computer science education, especially in cybersecurity. As Chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, he also honed in on issues related to cyber warfare and protecting digital assets. The event featured two panel discussions on software workforce issues. The first, an education and workforce development panel, included Debra Pothier from Autodesk, Ray Cross from the University of Wisconsin System, and Kathleen Gallagher from the Milwaukee Institute. The second, an economic development panel, included Michelle Shuler from Microsoft, Matt Cordio from Skills Pipeline, and Susan Koehn from Milwaukee 7 Regional Talent Partnership. Panelists discussed increasing digital literacy and highlighted companies’ local initiatives.


  • Keynote: Senator Ron Johnson
  • Panel on education and workforce development
      • Debra Pothier, Senior AEC Education Strategist, Autodesk
      • Ray Cross, President, University of Wisconsin System
      • Kathleen Gallagher, Executive Director, The Milwaukee Institute
  • Panel on economic development
      • Michelle Shuler, TechSpark Wisconsin Manager, Microsoft
      • Matt Cordio, Founder and President, Skills Pipeline
      • Susan Koehn, Director, Milwaukee 7 Regional Talent Partnership

Watch the recording:

The Growing $1 Trillion Economic Impact of Software

The first-ever report to track the growth of software’s impact on the US economy.


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