September 19, 2019
Software: Growing US Jobs and the GDP
New report finds software jobs growing twice as fast as US jobs overall; industry supports one in every 10 jobs nationwide....
September 19, 2019
Software: Growing US Jobs and the GDP
New report finds software jobs growing twice as fast as US jobs overall; industry supports one in every 10 jobs nationwide....
August 13, 2019
Inspiring the Next Generation of Coders With Girls Who Code’s Girls Who Code class graduated last Thursday, celebrating the skills they gained over the past seven weeks in the Summer Immersion Program....
July 01, 2019
Lighting Up Our Energy Sector With Software
In a new report, explores how software expands our opportunities to generate cleaner and greener renewable energy and how to overcome the barriers that could stifle these advances....
June 24, 2019
Please Welcome Our Girls Who Code Class of 2019
Today, kicks off its annual Girls Who Code summer immersion program....
May 17, 2019
In our new report, examines several case studies that highlight how software is revolutionizing American agriculture with cutting-edge innovations in data analysis, cloud computing, Internet-of-Things devices, and artificial intelligence....
June 24, 2019 Empowers Girls to Pursue a Software Career
As software becomes more ubiquitous, the demand for people with coding skills continues to increase – not just in the software industry, but in every sector across the country. To address this challenge and help prepare the future generation, the BSA Foundation is excited...
October 09, 2018
Software Industry Contributes €1 Trillion to EU GDP, Supports 12.7 Million EU Jobs
Software’s impact on the EU growing faster than the overall the European economy, new study shows...
September 12, 2018
Your One-Stop-Shop for Software Training Opportunities the BSA Foundation is excited to announce the creation of, a website to connect early and mid-career workers with software training opportunities and resources across the country....
August 10, 2018
Helping the Software Workforce Look More Like America with Girls Who Code’s Girls Who Code class graduated yesterday, and we couldn’t be prouder of the work they’ve accomplished this summer. Our class of 23 DC-area high school girls spent the past seven weeks learning coding languages to create websites, program apps, and control robots. We also...
August 01, 2018 Joins Partnership on AI
The Partnership on AI is a multistakeholder organization that brings together academics, researchers, civil society organizations, and companies to examine questions to better understand AI’s impacts on people and society....