May 04, 2021
Software Supports US Economy During COVID-19 Pandemic, New Study Finds
The software industry made the remote economy possible and sustained millions of jobs across the country....
May 04, 2021
Software Supports US Economy During COVID-19 Pandemic, New Study Finds
The software industry made the remote economy possible and sustained millions of jobs across the country....
July 11, 2020
“There is a reason why we have the H-1 visa system — it’s so we can bring people who have the skills not available here in the US to this country,” said Chris Hopfensperger, executive director of
April 21, 2020
Digital Fluency for a Resilient Economy
The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic has starkly illuminated fissures in our public systems, including the postsecondary and workforce systems. A common vein throughout is the impact of job loss and fundamental changes to the way Americans work....
January 30, 2020
Mentorship and Diversity in Tech
January is National Mentorship Month and a perfect time to highlight the importance of mentorship to creating a more diverse tech workforce, which is a priority....
January 09, 2020
State, Nation Must Keep Up With Growing Tech Sector
CIO Journal highlights the new jobs report from
September 19, 2019
US Software Jobs Grow Twice as Fast as Overall US Jobs
Strong growth in software jobs extends beyond traditional tech hubs as software industry wages continue to rise...
September 19, 2019
Software: Growing US Jobs and the GDP
New report finds software jobs growing twice as fast as US jobs overall; industry supports one in every 10 jobs nationwide....
July 01, 2019
Lighting Up Our Energy Sector With Software
In a new report, explores how software expands our opportunities to generate cleaner and greener renewable energy and how to overcome the barriers that could stifle these advances....
June 27, 2019
There’s an enormous opportunity to train military spouses to succeed in software jobs that can be done from almost anywhere in the world....
May 17, 2019
In our new report, examines several case studies that highlight how software is revolutionizing American agriculture with cutting-edge innovations in data analysis, cloud computing, Internet-of-Things devices, and artificial intelligence....