July 13, 2021
Partner Welcome Featuring the Software.org Team
On the second day of the 2021 Summer Immersion Program, members of the Software.org team joined students for a partner welcome event....
July 13, 2021
Partner Welcome Featuring the Software.org Team
On the second day of the 2021 Summer Immersion Program, members of the Software.org team joined students for a partner welcome event....
July 12, 2021
Software.org Welcomes Largest Ever Girls Who Code Classroom
This summer, Software.org: the BSA Foundation is leveraging the connecting power of software to bring together our largest ever Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program....
April 30, 2021
How Software Makes a Difference for Nonprofits and Volunteers
Software.org is proud to recognize National Volunteer Month in the United States. We would like to use this moment to share more about the software industry’s commitment to philanthropy and its active role in giving back to communities large and small across the nation....
August 31, 2020
Software Supports Learning in Unprecedented Times
Back to school season usually means students, parents, and teachers are preparing to return to a busy routine packed with academic and extra-curricular activities. Busy times are certainly upon us, but the school semester that is starting will be far from usual. The coronavirus pandemic...
February 10, 2020
Spreading the Word: Do You Know a Girl Who Wants to Code?
Many rising high school juniors and seniors across the nation from New York to Los Angeles are gearing up for the 2020 Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program (SIP), a free, seven-week introductory course for girls of all backgrounds to learn computer science skills among...
January 30, 2020
Mentorship and Diversity in Tech
January is National Mentorship Month and a perfect time to highlight the importance of mentorship to creating a more diverse tech workforce, which is a Software.org priority....
October 12, 2018
“Preparing For The Rise of ‘New Collar’ Jobs”
Federal News Radio, October 12, 2018. From Chris Hopfensperger: We focus too much time on getting people into college degrees. Those are hugely important, but not everyone needs a college degree. How can we get those software skills to everybody out there, and how can...
August 17, 2018
“Girls Who Code Gave High Schoolers a Chance to Use Their New Skills This Summer”
Technical.ly, August 17, 2018. “Most of these young women have little to no experience in coding when they first start the class, but they come away feeling confident enough to call themselves ‘coders’ and ‘programmers,’ and see a future in tech,” Chris Hopfensperger, Executive Director...
August 17, 2018
“Diversity in Tech Summit at A&T”
The Carolina Peacemaker, August 17, 2018. In September 2017, the HBCU Caucus created the HBCU Partnership Challenge to increase corporate commitments to diversity and inclusion efforts on HBCU campuses. The caucus reached out to three of the largest tech associations — the Information Technology Industry...
August 09, 2018
Pomp and Circumstance: Girls Who Code Graduation
Girls Who Code 2018 graduation ceremony...