Mentorship Day at Microsoft

Mentorship Day at Microsoft

On July 19, the Girls Who Code class visited Microsoft’s Innovation and Policy Center in DC for Mentorship Day. The day began with a panel of four inspiring women in tech who shared their career stories and advice for the students to take with them into college and beyond. Then the girls participated in a networking round robin, spending one-on-one time with potential mentors. Mentorship Day wouldn’t have been possible without the panelists and mentors who contributed their time and insight, including:

  • Betsy Brady, tech policy professional
  • Kristina Frances, EsteemLogic
  • Danielle Gilliam-Moore, Salesforce
  • Cindy Greenwood, UMBC Center for Women in Technology
  • DeVan Hankerson, The Goodfriend Group
  • Tasha Jones, Twenty39
  • Susan Mann, Microsoft
  • Shali Mohleji, IBM
  • Meagan Sunn, House Committee on Small Business