On the final day of Software.org’s 2020 Girls Who Code program, our class celebrated their hard work by presenting final projects among fellow classmates and representatives from Software.org. Students utilized their new web development skills to design a custom website drawing awareness to an issue or cause of their choice and we were so impressed with what our students built after two short weeks of learning! To close out the day, Girls Who Code hosted a virtual graduation ceremony for students across the country with inspiring commencement speeches from GWC executives and program alumni.
To the Students: Thank you once again for spending your summer with us and we hope your new digital skills will serve you well in high school, college, and beyond. Here are some of the comments we received from our 2020 program participants:
“Thank you Software.org for being our partner organization! Thank you for giving us an opportunity to communicate with so many strong women!” – Ashley Z.
“Thank you for allowing us to be able to learn such an important skill in today’s digital age. It was great to be able to hear the stories of so many empowering women in tech and hearing about their experiences and opinions on current day events!” – Hibah M.
“Thank you Software.org for giving us this opportunity to learn code and explore a new sector of the workforce that has to do with technology!” – Hannah A.
“Thank you Software.org for providing the opportunity for myself and others like me who want to explore the coding and programming field. This has been a fun and inspiring experience and was possible with your support.” – Kaitlyn L.